Managing the little people and the big people.

These days the hours in my life are very much about managing my children at home and the creative team around me at work. Sticking to schedules, appointments and status sheets and making sure that everything gets done so that dates are met and it all runs smooth.

I remember when I had my first baby and hours were spent just being; breastfeeding, enjoying the new and inspiring state of motherhood and meeting with new moms to share this exciting new time in my life. There was no actual schedule, only taking care of a baby and trying to catch up on my own sleep while baby was sleeping. The baby went with me everywhere, at almost anytime. It seems like only yesterday!! Now that my children are grown into little independent people, they are still too little to manage their own lives, but not too little to demand play-dates, classes, sleepovers with their friends and so many other things that they would like to do which have little to do with my time anymore.

At work I have an amazing team of people working towards the same creative goal, all with their unique qualities and skills and experiences that are all independent from my own. I have learned so much from both my children and my colleagues alike. The balance and the challenge is to treat my children as individuals and meet their needs independently, while simultaneously directing them subtly so that their routine fits into the universe of our family - so it all works together as a whole. I feel similar at work, where everyone plays their own individual important role, but it is only by working together as a team towards the same shared vision that we can succeed as one big family.

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